
Double Degree ?

真替她們高興 雖然只有拍拍照
現在我拿的是一年半的碩士,Master of Commerce (major in E-Business)。如果貪心一點(或是有錢一點),可以再拿一個一年的碩士: Master of Info-Management & E-Marketing
基本上這二個碩士的課程大多重複,所以第二個碩士有一半的課可以用前面的抵掉,換言之,第二個只需要唸半年。另一個額外的獎品是,多唸這半年我還可以在Commerce下面多拿一個major - information management。

重點是,我需要那第二個抬頭嗎?其實課程大家都可以選,專業並沒有差。只是半年的碩士真的很誘人,回台灣能不能靠這二張找到好工作還不一定,不過能確定的是這應該就是我唸書的最後里程了 - 踏入社會就不會再回頭唸書,現在的我是這麼想。

Deal or No Deal?
I am not really sure.....

6 則留言:

匿名 提到...

I said DEAL.
You only get one chance in life so don't anything that you will regret.

No.25 Don 提到...

Well, I have to think about it more carefully. There are always too many considerations you know.....

Cheers, I will take that in my mind.

kim 提到...

If I were you, I would like to spend another 6 months to be a student. It is not about degree just because I can be a student. You know I have to work for the rest of my WHOLE LIFE, quite sad isn't it? So, just relex and enjoy your miserable, pathetic and busy student life in Sussie. Moreover, if you stay here longer then I can come back to visit you during vocation haha.

So, when are we going to Monkey Mia dear bro? ^^


kim 提到...

check spelling before you hand it in,ok? = ="

No.25 Don 提到...

For me the problem is time constraint and I want to earn some money as soon as possible. But from your advices, I will give myself a go.

匿名 提到...

Where there are other things at stake, you have to ask yourself.
Will I regret it in the long term?
If the answer is Yes, then please floor it 100%.
If the answer is No, then re-evaluate your situation accordingly.

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